Gallery Foto Air Terjun Madakaripura

Sebenarnya ini posting ulang terhadap foto-foto yang pernah saya post bersama sebuah artikel beberapa hari yang lalu, hanya saja disini saya ingin tampilkan dalam format gallery. Berikut foto kronologis perjalanan menuju Air Terjun Madakaripura yang terletak di kawasan Gunung Bromo, Probolinggo, Jawa Timur.

3 thoughts on “Gallery Foto Air Terjun Madakaripura”

    1. Selamat malam dari Jakarta. Madakaripura was great, it’s still natural, maybe you must visit someday. But unfortunately, the public transport to reach waterfall was very rare.

      I have seen your pics in Bromo. It’s great. I went to Bromo from Malang (southern Bromo) around May 2013 and fortunately it was partial solar eclipse during sunrise. But, not many people knew that there was eclipse because it was almost not visible to naked eye and very hard to recognize. I toke some picture although it was dangerous without proper equipment.

      Please see the pics here

      Terima kasih sudah berkunjung!

      1. Sorry I meant that I did not see MUCH OF Madakaripura, I did go there and get my feet wet (and clothes), but it was a quick stop and I agree with you that the roads are bad to get there. I will look at your solar eclipse blog now, terima kasih 🙂

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